How Do Special-needs Pediatricians Benefit From Pediatric Conferences?

by jakaylamyles

Advancing technology, especially in the field of science and medicine, has made lifelong training a necessity for special-needs pediatricians so that they can offer the best medical care to ASD-affected children. Moreover, Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits have been made mandatory for all physicians to ensure patient safety and also to maintain a safe clinical practice. CME courses are conducted both online and offline, where internet or computer-based learning consists of blogs, podcasts, audio and video CDs, and YouTube videos. Offline pediatric conference basically consists of lectures, CME conferences, and workshops.

Pediatric conferences provide unique learning opportunities to special-needs pediatricians so that they can offer better care to the patient. However, that is not the only benefit of attending these conferences. Here, we will explore in detail all the advantages that pediatric conferences have to offer to special-needs pediatricians to enhance their knowledge and clinical practice.

Benefits of Attending Pediatric Conferences for Special-Needs Pediatricians

  • Sharpening the Skills:

Stephen Covey in his famous book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” lists “Sharpen the Saw” as the seventh habit. It basically means to work on one’s skills and enhance them to offer the highest standard of care possible. This same philosophy can be applied to pediatric conferences as well.

Special-needs pediatricians must attend these conferences to avoid getting stuck in a rut. After attending CME conferences, special-needs pediatricians often come back with new approaches and treatment ideas, which not only enhance the quality of the practice but also benefit the patient at the end of the day.

  • Opportunities for Networking:

In a world of social media platforms, it is easy to connect with peers and mentors, both distant and local. However, even in the age of the internet, the value of meeting and conversing with someone in real life is irreplaceable.

Medical CME conferences offer ample opportunities for the attendees and speakers to mingle and converse, and form new connections or strengthen existing ones. These conversations and exchange of notes take place over lunch, dinner, cocktails, and snacks and assist a special-needs pediatrician in various ways. It can help them gain new ideas, share problems with like-minded individuals, or just talk about changing disease demographics and the different patient pools they cater to.

  • Meeting Experts Face-To-Face:

The chances of meeting professional idols face-to-face and making a connection increase manifold if both the special-needs pediatrician and the medical stalwart are present in the same room or hall. Whether it’s starting a normal conversation, getting an expert opinion, or asking for feedback, these connections can help in the long-term care approach of the special-needs pediatrician. Such meetings could never take place in an online podcast or YouTube video.

  • Gaining New Knowledge:

Medicine is one field of science where discoveries and inventions are taking place almost every day. While the internet has made it possible for us to access this data, it is an overwhelming amount of information to sift through, filter, read, understand, and retain. The busy schedule of special-needs pediatricians leaves them with very little time to do all of the above to gain new knowledge. This is where pediatric conferences come in to help cut through the clutter on the web and focus on the content which is most relevant to the physicians and their patient pool.

  • Preventing Physician Burnout:

Clinicians are often known to suffer from burnout, which is a physiological term for mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion caused due to constant work pressure. More often than not, physician burnout is accompanied by feelings of incompetence and detachment.

A 2012 study, conducted by the Archives of Internal Medicine reported that the incidences of clinician burnout have increased at an alarming rate. A burned-out special-needs pediatrician is incapable of conducting the right diagnosis or providing the correct treatment due to their mental and emotional instability. Pediatric conferences offer clinicians an opportunity to take a constructive break from their daily routine and prevent burnout. These symposiums serve as a relaxing change away from the pressure of work, apart from providing much-needed CME education.

Final Takeaway

While it is true that pediatric conferences are expensive, special-needs pediatricians need to understand the value of these symposiums over the cost. These conferences offer networking opportunities, fun time, and quality learning in one package and help physicians to leave their comfort zone and grow in terms of knowledge and skill. Participating in these events is a huge bonus for healthcare professionals who get an opportunity to learn about the new innovations and discoveries taking place in the field.

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