How Survey Bot Can Help You Collect Better Data?

by Khushi

Surveys are a great way to get feedback from your customers and users. They can help you collect data, analyze it, and make better decisions about your product or service. But if you don’t have the time or resources to create your own surveys, there are other options. One of them is Survey Bot by BotUp. An online tool that automates the process of collecting data from respondents on any topic. With just a few clicks, you can quickly create surveys with custom questions and responses that will be sent directly to each user who completes them. You’ll also get an email summary report when they are finished so that you can analyze their answers together!

Create a survey or use one of our templates

If you want to create a survey, we have a few options for you. Our guides will walk you through the process of creating your own survey and sharing it with your audience. If that doesn’t sound like something that needs to be done right now. Our templates are an excellent option for collecting information from users quickly and easily.

Add the survey link to your website, email, or social posts

You can add the survey link to your website, email and social posts.

  • Add the Survey Bot landing page link to your website: If you want to collect data from visitors who don’t have their phone on them or are in another situation where they’re unable to take a survey, then adding a link directly from your site will help them complete it.
  • Add the Survey Bot landing page link as an HTML button: We recommend using an HTML button for this purpose because it’s easy for people who aren’t familiar with how websites work (like older generations) or have disabilities (like those who are blind). This will allow anyone on any device with internet access—no matter what browser they use—to be able to take advantage of this feature!

Let Survey Bot kick-off personal messages to each respondent

It’s easy to send a message to each respondent on your own. You can just use the email address you have for that person in their profile. Or you can also use their name if they’re listed as “first name” and last name.

Get notified about each completed survey on your phone

Get notified about each completed survey on your phone. If you have a smartphone, you’ve probably seen more than one app that lets you know when a friend has sent you a text message. Well, now there’s an app for that! With the Survey Bot app, users can set up their own notifications. If someone completes a survey for them and sends it over to them via email or text message (or any other means), then they will be alerted with an email or push notification on their phone. It’s really easy: just go into settings within the Survey Bot app and choose which platform(s) that should be sending out notifications from there – either all of them or just one specific platform like Facebook Messenger or Gmail/Google+.

Respondents get an email with your summary results after they complete the survey

At the end of each survey, you will send a summary email to all respondents. The respondent can then click on this link in order to view their responses and check for any errors or incomplete data. This allows them to double-check their answers before submitting them as part of your final analysis.

This also ensures that your respondents are aware that they have been surveyed and are able to share their experience with others if desired (for example, by posting on social media).

Export responses from the Dashboard at any time, as excel or pdf

You can export responses at any time from the Dashboard. Also export responses as excel or PDF, if you prefer a more traditional format. You can also export responses to a different survey with the same questions and results, which is helpful if you have multiple surveys running at once and want to compare them side-by-side.

With Survey Bot, you can collect and analyze data so that you can make informed decisions for your business

With Survey Bot, you can collect and analyze data so that you can make informed decisions for your business. Survey Bot helps you create surveys and collect responses. The information collected via a survey is then analyzed in real time. So that it’s easy to identify what’s working well and what needs improvement. This information can then be used to improve the overall customer experience at all levels of your organization. From marketing campaigns to product development and beyond!


It’s easy to get started with Survey Bot. We’ve got a whole suite of templates, so you can choose the one that fits your needs. Our integration with BotUp means you can integrate Survey Bot into just about any other tool or app you already use every day. No matter what kind of survey bot you need—whether it’s for internal communications or customer feedback surveys—our technology will help get results quickly and easily!

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