Simple recovery tips after a shoulder surgery

by creatorck

It is extremely common for people to undergo shoulder surgery. This is because this area of the body is prone to injury and can be extremely painful. If you are recovering from shoulder surgery, there are things that you need to keep in mind to aid in your recovery and prevent any further complications. It’s important that you follow all instructions from your surgeon when it comes to taking care of yourself afterwards. 

If you have recently had shoulder surgery, you may be concerned about how much pain you might experience and what activities you should avoid for the time being. While it can seem overwhelming, it’s important to remember that these things will get easier with time and patience. Here are some simple tips that will help with your recovery after shoulder surgery:


1) Have Your Shower Ready:

First, you can get ready for the operation by following this piece of advice. You should stock your shower with the essentials so that you may shower with as minimal stress on your rehabilitating shoulder as feasible. When taking a shower after surgery, it is much more convenient if the showerhead can be removed. Until your doctor gives the all-clear, you should avoid getting the incision site moist.


2) Stop smoking:

Smoking should be given up prior to any surgical procedure, but especially before shoulder surgery. The rotator cuff is the structure that sustains your shoulder, and it is made up of a number of muscles, ligaments, and tendons that attach to three separate bones to create the joint. The addictive nicotine found in cigarettes slows the body’s capacity to repair damaged tissues and bones. This holds you back and puts you at greater risk for illness. Stopping smoking before shoulder surgery helps patients recover more quickly, reduces the likelihood of problems like a frozen shoulder, and improves overall surgical outcomes.


3) Find someone to assist you after surgery:

It takes a long time to recuperate from shoulder surgery, often up to six months. Pain and inflammation can be lessened by focusing entirely on recovery in the early stages. During the first few post-op days, patients sometimes struggle to acclimate to their new restrictions. The mental and physical strains of recovering from surgery might be lessened with the assistance of friends and family members. An excellent yard maintenance suggestion for the summer is to hire a service to mow your lawn.


4) Try to make it to your physical therapy appointments:

When you wake up from surgery, the healing process can begin. Shoulder arthroscopy patients, in particular, benefit greatly from physical therapy following surgery. The postoperative period includes both home and professional physical therapy sessions several times per week. Your therapist will help you make physical and psychological gains with each session of individualised exercise. The exercises you learn will aid in your recuperation and help you avoid future injuries. Restoration relies heavily on patients’ willingness to do their rehab activities as prescribed.


5) Make Sure You’re Sleeping Properly:

Maintaining the correct sleeping posture is crucial to a speedy recovery. If you sleep awkwardly, you may exacerbate the problem by putting extra stress on your shoulder. Even when you’re asleep, it’s best to preserve your shoulder by keeping your arm in a sling. Initially, it’s best to rest on the side of your body where you didn’t have surgery, but once the pain has subsided, you can switch to sleeping on your back.


6) Ensure that your nutrition is well-rounded:

Constipation, brought on by both medication and the physical strain of surgery, is a typical post-procedure complaint for people who have had shoulder surgery. If you haven’t had a bowel movement after a few days after surgery, it’s best to see a doctor, but eating meals high in fibre can also help. Instances of nutritious foods include broccoli, black beans, and prunes. Consuming a well-rounded diet after surgery will help your body heal more quickly by providing the minerals, nutrients, and vitamins it needs to get back to normal.


7) To prevent your shoulder from dislocating:

During your recovery, you may experience both good and bad days, but it is still vital to wear your UltraSling first. For the first four to eight weeks, your sling will be your best buddy. When used as directed, this device helps patients return to work, school, or light aerobic activity in an optimal healing posture without stressing repaired components too soon after surgery. Your sling will serve as a constant reminder not to use your shoulder until the pain has subsided. Active motions decrease the likelihood of a successful procedure. It takes at least 12-16 weeks after surgery before the restored tissues begin to heal.



It is crucial to incorporate these simple suggestions into your rehabilitation after surgery. If you’re contemplating surgical management or want a second opinion about a recommended shoulder operation, you should consider approaching a hospital specializing in Shoulder surgery in Dubai.

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