The vitreous detachment, a translucent substance that fills your eye, is present throughout. The vitreous maintains the form of your eye. This is not a problem because we can see just fine without the vitreous connected to the retina. The vitreous loses its shape, pulls away from the retina, and constricts inward toward the center of the eye when it becomes overly soft. PVD happens frequently and naturally. You won’t lose your vision, and you usually don’t need to get treatment.
What are the symptoms of PVD?
PVD does not cause pain or permanent vision loss, although it may produce other symptoms. They include are:
- Cobweb effect. As the vitreous separates from the retina, you can start to notice its outside. It may seem as though you are sifting through cobwebs. Once detachment is complete, this is only temporary and disappears.
- Floaters. These floating objects in your range of vision may appear as minute particles, dust, dots, or shadowy objects resembling cobwebs. The best way to spot them is to look at a light surface, like the sky or a white wall, during the first few weeks of PVD.
- Flashes. These short flashes of light are similar to when you hit your head and start “seeing stars.” They can last a few seconds or minutes, and if detachment is complete, they usually stop or become less common.
How to diagnose PVD
PVD, a retinal detachment, or another eye condition may be confirmed by a dilated eye exam. Your ophthalmologist or optometrist will put special drops into your eyes during the examination. Your doctor can view the back of your eyes due to these drops since they make your pupils bigger. The entire retina, the macula, and your optic nerve can then be examined by your doctor.
About 30 minutes pass during the examination. The dilatation can last for a few hours until it goes away. After your appointment, you should put on a pair of sunglasses because the sun and bright lights could be uncomfortable.
What is the treatment for PVD?
- Continued floaters. You could require a vitrectomy if you frequently see floaters or have vision problems. Some or all of the vitreous gel inside the eye is removed during this outpatient treatment.
- Macular spots. These occur when the retina is tightly attached to the vitreous as it pulls away. They result in foggy, distorted eyesight. Macular holes that don’t sometimes close on their own, but surgery can close them.