Why You Should Choose TypeScript Over JavaScript

by Jane Brewer

JavaScript has been the most used programming language by web developers over the past few years, and it’s been highly praised because of its dynamic nature and open-source ecosystem. However, while JavaScript has many great features, TypeScript actually offers a lot more benefits over JavaScript when it comes to building large-scale web applications.

In this blog post, we’ll go over some of the main differences between these two languages so you can decide whether you should start using TypeScript or not in your own projects in the future.

What is TypeScript?

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, which means it can work with any modern browser. It compiles to plain old JavaScript so it works great in any environment. TypeScript gives you lots of useful tools like the option to specify function signatures and infer types.

What do I need to learn to use TypeScript?

TypeScript is an open-source programming language developed by Microsoft. It adds statically typed object-oriented capabilities to JavaScript, and compiles to plain JavaScript. TypeScript helps with easier application maintenance, because it allows large teams to work on a project simultaneously while avoiding many of the problems that come from not having a statically typed language. TypeScript also provides improved error reporting during compilation and better support for large applications such as Angular2+.

Is TypeScript used on the frontend or the backend?

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, which means that it can be used on the frontend or backend. If you’re using TypeScript on the frontend, the language enables a super strong type system that can catch errors before they happen.

TypeScript will compile to JavaScript so you don’t have to think about whether or not your code will work in different environments and applications, just write it and rest easy knowing it will work anywhere TypeScript is present.

3 reasons why you should choose TypeScript over JavaScript

The latest trend in web development has been TypeScript, and it’s been sweeping the coding world. TypeScript is one of a number of JavaScript-based programming languages that emerged from the renewed focus on scalability of front-end design to keep up with the increased demand for user experience. With such an abundance of choice on offer, why should you choose TypeScript over JavaScript?

TypeScript is more explicit

TypeScript is an open-source programming language developed by Microsoft. It is a superset of JavaScript that provides features such as type checking and modules, to support writing large-scale applications. As opposed to JavaScript, TypeScript explicitly indicates the data types for each variable in the code which helps identify any mistakes at compile time. The developer can fix these mistakes without having to wait until runtime where they may cause errors in the program’s execution.

TypeScript and JavaScript are practically interchangeable, so why not?

TypeScript is not a radically different language than JavaScript. In fact, the only major differences are the introduction of static typing and strict checking for any possible errors, whereas JavaScript does not have these features. So if you are interested in avoiding errors and writing something that will always work as intended, then TypeScript might be what you need.

The beauty of it is that if you already know JavaScript, you can use TypeScript with almost no changes to your workflow. This means that if you are unsure about whether or not to try out a new language on your project, then simply write it in TypeScript and run your code through an interpreter. If everything works as intended, then you can start adding any new features and rewriting existing parts with static typing.

TypeScript Over JavaScript

JavaScript is the most popular programming language in the world. It’s used everywhere, from developing websites to building apps and games. And while it’s constantly evolving, and you can find many strong arguments for why you should or shouldn’t use it in different situations, it has a long way to go before being as robust as some of its competitors – especially when you want to start building large-scale software with high levels of security. That’s where TypeScript comes in.

JavaScript vs TypeScript

JavaScript and TypeScript are both programming languages. While JavaScript is considered more of a scripting language, TypeScript is used primarily for object-oriented development. Other advantages to using Typescript include: reduced development time with type checking, increased code maintainability and debugging, and less error-prone for large-scale applications.

One downside to using JavaScript vs TypeScript is that the latter has a much larger framework which increases application size – so keep this in mind when considering what might work best for your project!

Types of TypeScript

JavaScript is still the most popular programming language in use on the internet. However, TypeScript is increasingly being adopted for web development due to its robust type system and additional features that help programmers create more maintainable software. TypeScript builds upon JavaScript’s strengths to enhance productivity and scalability, giving you a choice of what type of tool to use when developing your projects.


TypeScript is a statically typed language that was created by Microsoft. Many JavaScript developers do not want to give up the flexibility of using this old standard, but for anyone who is interested in boosting their productivity and the code’s reliability, TypeScript is a great choice. Typescript compiles to JavaScript, which means you will be able to share your code with other devs without any hassle!

With access to big names such as Netflix, Uber, and Microsoft, there is no doubt that Typescript is ready for primetime. Companies of all sizes have started using it with incredible results. Typescript could also be one of your best options if you are looking for a front end developer for hire . With great libraries that can improve application performance, you’ll need all help you can get!

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