Welding Table – Different Welding Techniques and Decking Types

Welding Table – Different Welding Techniques and Decking Types

by JosephGrisham

Welding is a very important part of many industrial processes. It’s also a very delicate process that requires precise equipment and techniques. Welding tables can help you get the job done safely and efficiently by providing you with a solid, flat surface to work on. Several welding tables are available today, each with unique benefits and drawbacks. In this guide, we will discuss The different types of welding tables and their uses—the benefits and drawbacks of each type.

Types of Welding Tables

Welding tables are available in various styles, materials, and price points. The most common material for welding table is high-pressure steel, also called AR Plate or Aluminum, Abrasion Resistant Plate. This type of steel has been heated to increase strength and wear resistance and reduces the need for grinding and resurfacing over time. It’s also resistant to scratches from grinding wheels, so you don’t have to worry about it becoming scratched up during your work day.

HRPO (Hot Rolled Pickled and Oiled) plate is another popular choice for welding table decks because it resists corrosion caused by moisture better than other decking materials such as galvanized steel or diamond plate.

One thing to keep in mind when choosing your welding table is how much weight your equipment will be supporting when placed on top—this can vary widely depending on what type of equipment you use most often while working with metal projects in your shop or garage (cutting torches vs. MIG welders). If you’re looking at building an entire setup, you probably want something more heavy-duty than just some portable stands with rubber mats underneath them!

Decking for Welding Tables

Decking is the top material on a welding supply store. The decking can be made of many materials, but the most common ones are aluminum and galvanized steel. The diamond plate may be your best choice if you want a more durable option. If you’re still unsure about which type of decking would be best for you, we’ve provided a quick rundown on each so that you can make an informed decision: Aluminum is a very lightweight option that doesn’t rust. It’s also easy to clean and maintain. The biggest downside to using aluminum as decking is that it can warp if not properly supported underneath by an even stronger material like steel.

What are the different types of welding tables?

Welding tables are used to hold the workpiece or stock during welding. You can use welding tables for almost any type of welding, but there are some differences you should be aware of. A standard plate comprises a steel plate with pre-punched holes that allow the welder to suspend their material from the top and bottom plates. The top plate usually has an attached guard rail, which will help protect your hands from being burned by sparks or molten metal drips. These guards are often constructed out of aluminum alloy, so they’re lightweight and less likely to interfere with your work area but still strong enough to protect against falling sparks and slag drips while you’re working on larger projects like cars or boats. Sometimes called “slag decks,” these types of structures are meant specifically for TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) welders because they allow plenty of room between parts without getting in their way while they do their job at hand.”

AR (Aluminum, Abrasion Resistant) Plate

Aluminum, Abrasion Resistant (AR) Plate is a special type of aluminum that has been heated to increase its durability and resistance to wear.

It is available in seamless and welded grades, with the latter being more common. In this process, the material is ground flat and welded together along its length. This creates a smooth seam along one edge that can be cut off after fabrication.

Benefits of AR Plate Welding Tables:

Durability – AR plate welding tables are made from much stronger materials than other types of welding tables because they’re able to hold up under heavy loads without breaking down over time;

Sturdiness – The rugged construction means you won’t have to worry about your tools sliding off while you’re working at an angle;

HRPO (Hot Rolled, Pickled and Oiled) Plate

If you’re looking for a material that will work well with welding machines, HRPO (Hot Rolled, Pickled, and Oiled) plate is the way to go. It’s not just resistant to corrosion but also easy to clean and work with. This makes it an excellent choice for welding tables used outdoors and in those exposed to high humidity or other harsh environments. The hardness of HRPO means it can handle heavy use without bending out of shape or losing its structural integrity.

The smooth surface of this type of steel makes it easy to clean, which helps keep your table looking good even after prolonged use in a workshop or garage environment where grease stains may accumulate over time. Because there are no grooves in the steel itself (as with some other types), there are fewer places where dirt can hide between layers and make maintenance harder down the line.

Diamond Plate

Diamond plate is commonly used in industrial applications. It is made from steel and has a diamond-shaped pattern that can be applied over other surfaces such as floors, truck beds, and even used by firefighters as protective gear. Diamond plates are available in several different grades and thicknesses. The most common grade of steel used to create diamond plates is ASTM A1088 which has a minimum yield strength of 40 ksi (345 MPa).

Galvanized Steel decking

Galvanized steel decking is another great option for welding tables. This type of steel is similar to stainless steel because it’s resistant to corrosion and wear. Galvanized steel also has a higher product density than most other metals, which means it can withstand more weight without bending or buckling when it comes into contact with pressure points like welders’ feet. The biggest downside to galvanized steel decking is that it isn’t as long-lasting as other options. However, this depends on your specific application and preferences, so consider these factors before making your choice! The biggest upside to galvanized steel is that it’s extremely affordable, making it a great option for DIY welding tables. This type of steel is also lightweight and easy to work with; you can cut, bend and shape it in any way necessary to make your welding table a perfect fit!

These are the different types of welding tables and their respective decking types.

Aluminum, abrasion resistant plate, Hot rolled pickled and oiled (HRPO) plate, Galvanized steel decking.


In conclusion, we have covered all the different types of welding tables and their respective decking types. At this point, we need to understand that there are different types of welding tables available on the market today which will suit your needs depending on what type of work you want to do with them. In addition, you should also consider purchasing a steel deck plate as well because they offer many benefits over other materials such as aluminum or wood boards due to their durability and ability to withstand wear from frequent use without showing signs of wear like cracking or splitting off corners from constant pressure applied during use over time (which can happen when using other materials). To be a professional welder, you need to have the best welding table available today.

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