5 best yoga asanas to control Asthma, include in daily routine

by Shrishti khairwal

Asthma is a serious disease associated with the phrase system that can be a long-term state of the lungs. When there is asthma, the Shawsargams become narrow and they cause swelling. Due to this, there is difficulty in breathing, as well as more amount of mucus, starts forming. The sound of wheezing and breathing problem makes the daily routine very difficult while breathing. Asthma patient has to face huge difficulty in running, dancing, walking fast, and even the stairs. Why is there asthma? There are many reasons for having asthma, it can be caused by many factors such as environment or genetics. Allergies, medicine, respiratory infections, stress, anxiety, etc. can also be caused by asthma. Apart from medicine, you can also control asthma by practicing some yoga asanas. 300 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh also offers a great opportunity to people who want to teach Yoga in the future.  Today we are telling you the 5 best yoga asanas to control Asthma. Let’s know which are Yoga asanas-


1. Vajrasana Yoga

  • To do this, lay a matte and sit up on top of it.
  • Now rest the pelvis on your heel
  • Keep a little gap between your ankles
  • Put your palms on your thighs
  • Straighten your back and see further
  • Sit for a while in this pose and then the poster can change.


2. Paschimottanasana Yoga

  • At the beginning of this yoga asana, do your feet forward
  • Raise your arms up and bend forward while exhaling and bring the upper part of your body as much as possible.
  • Stay in this currency for 10 seconds
  • By resting for a few seconds, you can again come back to this posture.


3. Ustrasana Yoga

  • Kneel on yoga mats and place your hands on the hips
  • Now tilt your back and move your palms on your feet until the arms are straight.
  • Do not stress your neck.

Half-Fish Pose
4. Half-Fish Pose

  • Start in dandasana
  • Fold the left leg and place the left leg on the ground above the right knee
  • Fold the right leg and bend it in such a way that it rests on the ground and the right heel is near the left peloric
  • Bring the right hand over the left leg and hold the left toe
  • As soon as you exhale, bend the body’s trunk as much as possible, bend the neck so that the list is on the left shoulder, and surround the waist with the left hand, in which the palm is outwards.
  • The right leg and knee rest on the floor. The left knee should be close to the right armpits.

5. Chakrasana 

  • Lie on your back and bend your feet
  • Fold your arms and keep your palms upside down on both sides of your head
  • Breathing put pressure on your palms and feet and raises your entire body
  • Relax your neck and let your head fall slowly

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